Our Company

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At A Glance

Annapurna Feed Mill is a distinguished poultry feed manufacturer with an impressive 45-year legacy of excellence. Established in around the year 1980, this industry stalwart has consistently demonstrated its unwavering commitment to producing top-quality poultry feed products. Over nearly five states, Annapurna Feed Mill has honed its expertise, becoming a trusted name among farmers and poultry enthusiasts alike. With a relentless focus on innovation, quality control, and nutritional precision, they have played an instrumental role in enhancing the health and productivity of poultry across the region. Annapurna Feed Mill’s rich experience and dedication continue to set the standard in the poultry feed industry, ensuring healthy flocks and thriving businesses.

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Our Company

Fast Growing Poultry Feed Company

Over the years, we have achieved remarkable milestones, and our journey towards becoming an industry leader continues to be an exciting one. Our 45 years of experience have shaped us into a company that sets high standards for quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction.

Our mission remains clear: to provide the best poultry feed products that promote the health and productivity of poultry farms worldwide. We understand the critical role we play in feeding the world, and we take that responsibility seriously.

Innovation is at the core of our success. We continuously invest in research and development to create cutting-edge feed formulations that optimize poultry nutrition. Our commitment to sustainability is equally strong, as we strive to reduce our environmental footprint and support responsible farming practices.

But our success is not solely measured in business terms. It’s about the partnerships we build, the communities we support, and the lives we impact. We are proud of our contributions to the poultry industry and the broader agricultural community.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated team, loyal customers, and supportive stakeholders who have been instrumental in our growth. Your trust in us drives us forward, and your feedback motivates us to continually improve.

Ranju matilal